Registration Related issues

Q:  How long can the participation request be approved after sending the signed challenge rule?

A:  The request will be approved within 2 working days if the signed challenge rule document is filled out correctly.

Q: I'm only interested in the challenge dataset but I do not want to join the challenge. Can I download the dataset without joining the challenge?

A: Thanks for your interest. To ensure enough submissions, the dataset is only available to participants during the challenge. 

Q: How many people can form a team?

A: We do not have a limitation on the number of team members. 

Q: My team has multiple team members. Do they all need to join the grand-challenge?

A: No. We just require the team leader to join the grand-challenge. The team leader can share the challenge data with the team members. Please note that all the team members should sign their names on the challenge rule document. 

Q: I have joined the challenge and downloaded the dataset. Can I quit the challenge?

A: No! Please respect the signed agreement. If registered participants do not make successful submissions, all the team members will be listed in the dishonest list.

Algorithm-related issues

Q: Can we use other datasets or pre-trained models to develop the segmentation algorithms?

A: No.

Q: Can we manually annotate the unlabelled images to enlarge the training set?

A: No. Any manual interventions are not allowed. 

Q: I got this error on the online submission "The container was killed as it exceeded the memory limit of 4g."

A: Please carefully prepare your submission (e.g., the data format should be np.uint8) and improve the segmentation quality. You can find more discussion here

Q: Does the validation submission affects the final ranking?

A: No.

Q: During the testing phase, can I modify the methods and the paper? 

A: Yes, you can make modifications before the testing submission. After making the testing submission, you cannot make modifications.